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 CHICAGO ; the musical

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Lilly Anderson
'we're immortal, you and I'
Lilly Anderson

◗ messages : 101
◗ Inscrit depuis : 19/04/2012

◗ emploi: chanteuse/actrice broadway
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CHICAGO ; the musical Empty
MessageSujet: CHICAGO ; the musical   CHICAGO ; the musical EmptyVen 27 Juil - 20:14

Citation :
Act 1
In the mid 1920s in Chicago, Illinois, Velma Kelly is a vaudevillian who murdered both her husband and her sister when she found them in bed together. She welcomes the audience to tonight's show ("All That Jazz"). Meanwhile, we hear of chorus girl Roxie Hart's murder of her lover, nightclub regular Fred Casely.
Roxie convinces her husband Amos that the victim was a burglar, and Amos cheerfully takes the blame. Roxie expresses her appreciation of her husband's thick skull ("Funny Honey"). However, when the police mention the deceased's name Amos belatedly puts two and two together. The truth comes out, and Roxie is arrested. She is sent to the women's block in Cook County Jail, inhabited by Velma and other murderesses ("Cell Block Tango"). The block is presided over by the corrupt Matron "Mama" Morton, whose system of mutual aid ("When You're Good to Mama") perfectly suits her clientele. She has helped Velma become the media's top murder-of-the-week and is acting as a booking agent for Velma's big return to vaudeville.
Velma is not happy to see Roxie, who is stealing not only her limelight but also her lawyer, Billy Flynn. Roxie tries to convince Amos to pay for Billy Flynn to be her lawyer ("A Tap Dance"). Eagerly awaited by his all-girl clientele, Billy sings his anthem, complete with a chorus of fan dancers ("All I Care About is Love"). Billy takes Roxie's case and re-arranges her story for consumption by sympathetic tabloid columnist Mary Sunshine ("A Little Bit of Good"). Roxie's press conference turns into a ventriloquist act with Billy dictating a new version of the truth ("We Both Reached for the Gun") to the press while Roxie mouths the words.
Roxie becomes the new toast of Chicago and she proclaims so boastfully while planning for her future career in vaudeville ("Roxie"). As Roxie's fame grows, Velma's notoriety is left in the dust and in an "act of pure desperation", she tries to talk Roxie into recreating the sister act ("I Can't Do It Alone"), but Roxie turns her down, only to find her own headlines replaced by the latest sordid crime of passion. Separately, Roxie and Velma realize there's no one they can count on but themselves ("My Own Best Friend"), and the ever-resourceful Roxie decides that being pregnant in prison would put her back on the front page.
Act 2
Velma again welcomes the audience with the line "Hello, Suckers," another reference to Texas Guinan, who commonly greeted her patrons with the same phrase. She informs the audience of Roxie's continual run of luck ("I Know a Girl") despite Roxie's obvious falsehoods ("Me and My Baby"). A little shy on the arithmetic, Amos proudly claims paternity, and still nobody notices him ("Mr. Cellophane"). Velma tries to show Billy all the tricks she's got planned for her trial ("When Velma Takes The Stand"). With her ego growing, Roxie has a heated argument with Billy, and fires him. She is brought back down to earth when she learns that a fellow inmate has been executed.
The trial date arrives, and Billy calms her, telling her if she makes a show of it, she'll be fine ("Razzle Dazzle"), but when he passes all Velma's ideas on to Roxie, she uses each one, down to the rhinestone shoe buckles, to the dismay of Mama and Velma ("Class"). As promised, Billy gets Roxie her acquittal but, just as the verdict is given, some even more sensational crime pulls the pack of press bloodhounds away, and Roxie's fleeting celebrity life is over. Billy leaves, done with the case. Amos stays with her, glad for his wife, but she then confesses that there isn't really a baby, making Amos finally leave her. Left in the dust, Roxie pulls herself up and extols the joys of life ("Nowadays"). She teams up with Velma in a new act, in which they dance and perform ("Hot Honey Rag") until they are joined by the entire company ("Finale").

Dernière édition par Lilly Anderson le Ven 27 Juil - 20:22, édité 1 fois
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Lilly Anderson
'we're immortal, you and I'
Lilly Anderson

◗ messages : 101
◗ Inscrit depuis : 19/04/2012

◗ emploi: chanteuse/actrice broadway
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CHICAGO ; the musical Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CHICAGO ; the musical   CHICAGO ; the musical EmptyVen 27 Juil - 20:16

Citation :
Personnages ;
(à traduire)
Roxie Hart: Age 25-40. Innocent, sexy, desperate, selfish. Roxie is not very bright and never thinks about the consequences of her actions before she says or does things. Every move is selfish, every idea foolish and ill-considered, and yet she remains strangely sympathetic because we know her selfishness is not malicious; but childish. All Roxie cares about is getting into Vaudeville. Needs to be a strong actress, singer and dancer. (mezzo)
Velma Kelly: Age 25-45. Sarcastic, sexy, tough, funny. Velma is a former vaudeville perfor.5 mer who also serves as the hostess. She often talks directly to the audience. She killed her husband and her sister after finding them together. Used to being the "headliner" she learns to hold her tongue and make nice to save her vaudeville career. Needs to be a strong actress, singer and dancer. (alto)
Billy Flynn: Age 35-60. Sexy, persuasive, manipulative, masculine. Billy is a suave, educated lawyer who can persuade anyone to do anything. Billy will take any case as long as it is sure to put money in his pocket. Billy is a lot like a Hollywood Agent. Needs to be a strong character actor who can sing and dance well. (tenor)
Amos Hart: Age 30-50. Charming, funny, vulnerable, timid man. Amos is an average guy, not very good looking, not very smart. Manipulated easily, Amos is the only character in Chicago whose motives are entirely pure, never selfish and he's the only character who really loses ultimately. Strong character actor who can sing well. (baritone)
Matron “Mama” Morton: Age 35-65. Sexy, funny, powerful and tough. The matron of the Cook County Jail who believes that all favors she gives should be reciprocated or paid for. If Billy is the Agent, Mama would be considered the Manager. Needs to be strong character actor who can sing well. (alto)
Mary Sunshine: Any age. Looking for a male soprano or counter tenor who can sing legitimately up to a high B flat who must play a woman with the image of a good natured talk show hostess but is actually a high powered gossip columnist. Must be a good comedian. (soprano) *** Please note we may consider lowering the vocal part for the right person.
Female/Male Chorus: Ages 16+. Looking for strong dancers and singers. Several featured acting roles including:
Hunyak: Accused of chopping off her husband’s head. She is actually innocent (one of the only ones), but because she only speaks Hungarian and refuses to plead guilty, she is found guilty and
hanged. **This is a challenging role as all her lines are in Hungarian. Would like this actress to have a strong background in ballet dance.
Liz: Killed her husband with a shotgun because he “popped” his gum.
Annie: Found out her husband had several wives and killed him with Arsenic.
June: Killed her husband with a carving knife after he found out she cheated on him. Mona: Killed her boyfriend after she found out he was sleeping around.
Go-to-Hell Kitty: Kills her boyfriend in her apartment after coming home and finding him with two girls. She is wealthy and goes crazy telling everyone to "go-to-hell".
Master of Ceremonies: This person is responsible for introducing all the “Vaudeville Acts.” Must have strong speaking ability, lots of energy and presence. This person may double as a male/female dancer or may be cast as a cameo role with little rehearsal time.
Fred Casley: Sleeping with Roxie Hart and is shot and killed. Must play a “regular guy” in the first scene but play an overly dramatic version of himself in the courtroom scene. This person may double as a male/female dancer or may be cast as a cameo role with little rehearsal time.
Sergeant Fogarty: Police detective who interviews Amos after Roxie kills Fred. Typical “Chicago” cop who has been through this kind of thing many times. This person may double as a male dancer or may be cast as cameo role with little rehearsal time.
Aaron: Court appointed lawyer who tries to defend the Hunyak. He gets extremely frustrated because he can’t understand her language and she refuses to plead guilty. This person will double as a male dancer.
Foreman: This person only has one line--however, he/she will play the part of all or half the jurors in the jurors’ box by switching chairs and swapping out hats and various disguises. This can be a very funny bit if done well. (We may cast one male and one female to play 6 jurors each.)
Harrison: District Attorney who is prosecuting Roxie. This person will double as a male dancer. Judge: Plays the judge in the courtroom scene. This person will double as a male dancer.
Tailor/Bailiff/Court Clerk/Doctor/Reporters, etc.: These are small roles that will be played by members of the chorus.
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Lilly Anderson
'we're immortal, you and I'
Lilly Anderson

◗ messages : 101
◗ Inscrit depuis : 19/04/2012

◗ emploi: chanteuse/actrice broadway
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CHICAGO ; the musical Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CHICAGO ; the musical   CHICAGO ; the musical EmptyJeu 2 Aoû - 13:41

Roxie Hart: Age 25-40. Innocente, sexy, desespérée, égoïste. Roxie n'est pas très intelligente et ne pense jamais aux conséquences de ses actions lorsqu'elle dit ou fait quelque chose. Chacun de ses gestes est égoïste, chaque idée est stupide et mal considérée, et pourtant elle reste sympathique parce que l'on sait que son égoïsme n'est pas méchant, mais enfantin. Tout ce qui l'intéresse, c'est entrer à Vaudeville. Doit être une très bonne actrice, danseuse et chanteuse (Style de voix : Mezzo)
Velma Kelly: Age 25-45. Sarcastique, sexy, difficile, drôle. Velma est une ancienne actrice de Vaudeville ainsi qu'une hôtesse. Elle parle souvent directement aux spectateurs. Elle a tué son mari et sa soeur après les avoir surpris ensemble. Habituée à être la "tête d'affiche", elle apprend à tenir sa langue et à être sympathique pour sauver sa carrière. Doit être une bonne actrice, chanteuse, danseuse. (Style de voix : Alto)
Billy Flynn: Age 30-50.Sexy, persuasif, manipulateur, viril. Billy est un avocat suave et éduqué qui peut persuader n'importe qui de faire n'importe quoi. Billy prendra n'importe quel cas aussi longtemps que ça lui fait gagner de l'argent. Il est comme un agent Hollywoodien. Doit être un acteur au fort caractère qui peut chanter et danser (style de voix : ténor)
Amos Hart: Age 25-40. Charmant, drôle, vulnérable, timide. Amos est un homme moyen, pas spécialement beau, pas spécialement intelligent. Manipulé facilement, Amos est le seul personnage de Chicago dont les motivations sont entièrement pures et jamais égoïstes, et il est le seul personnage qui perdra vraiment à la fin. Acteur charismatique qui chante bien (type de voix : bariton)
Matron “Mama” Morton: Age 30-45. (alto) Sexy, drôle, puissante et difficile. La patronne de la Cook County Prison, qui pense que toute faveur qu'elle donne doit être rendue ou payée. Si Billy est l'agent, Mama serait considérée la Manager. Doit être bonne actrice qui chante bien (type de voix : alto).
Mary Sunshine: Tout âge. Chercher un homme soprano ou contreténor qui doit pouvoir atteindre un Si bémol et qui jouera l'image d'une hôtesse à la bonne humeur, mais derrière qui se cache en fait une journaliste influente. Doit être un bon comédien (type de voix: soprano)
Chorus hommes/femmes (Age supérieur à 16)
Hunyak:Accusée d'avoir coupé la tête de son mari. Elle est en fait innocente (l'une des seules) mais parce qu'elle parle seulement hongrois et qu'elle refuser de plaider coupable, elle est jugée coupable et sera pendue. ** C'est un rôle difficile, puisque toutes ses lignes sont en hongrois. Chercher une actrice qui a déjà dansé dans un ballet. **
Liz: A tué son mari avec un revolver parce qu'il a "éclaté" son chewing-gum.
Annie: A découvert que son mari avait plusieurs femmes et l'a empoisonné avec de l'arsenic.
June: A tué son mari avec un couteau de cuisine après l'avoir surpris en train de la tromper.
Mona: A tué son petit ami quand elle a appris qu'il était infidèle.
Vas-en-enfer Kitty: A tué son petit ami dans leur appartement, après être rentrée à la maison et l'avoir trouvé avec deux filles. Elle est riche et devient folle, disant à tout le monde d'aller en enfer.
Maître de cérémonie: Cette personne est responsable de présenter les différents Actes . Doit avoir une très bonne diction, beaucoup d'énergie et de présence. Cette personne peut savoir danser, mais peut aussi être castée avec peu de temps pour les répétitions.
Fred Casley:Il couche avec Roxie Hart, puis est assassiné. Doit jouer un "homme normal" dans la première scène, mais une version plus tragique de lui-même devant le tribunal.
Sergent Fogarty: Détective qui interviewe Amos après que Roxie tue Fred. Policier typique de Chicago qui a vécu ce genre de situations de nombreuses fois. Cette personne peut aussi être un danseur, ou une personne castée au dernier moment avec peu de temps de répétition.
Aaron: Avocat commis d'office qui essaye de défendre Hunyak. Il est très frustré parce qu'il ne peut pas comprendre son langage et qu'elle refuse de plaider coupable. Cette personne sera aussi un danseur.
Foreman: Cette personne n'a qu'une ligne, cependant, elle/il jouera un rôle dans toutes les scènes de cour, dans le box des jurés, en changeant de chaises et en se revêtant de chapeaux et de déguisements variés.
Harrison:Mandataire qui poursuit Roxie. Cette personne sera aussi un danseur.
Juge: Joue le juge dans la scène de cour. Sera aussi un danseur.
Tailleur/Huissier/Greffier/Docteur/Reporteurs, etc.: Petits rôles joués par des membres de la chorale.
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'There's no business like show business'

◗ messages : 18
◗ Inscrit depuis : 19/04/2012

CHICAGO ; the musical Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CHICAGO ; the musical   CHICAGO ; the musical EmptyLun 6 Aoû - 20:37

Lilly Anderson a écrit:
Citation :
Act 1
In the mid 1920s in Chicago, Illinois, Velma Kelly is a vaudevillian who murdered both her husband and her sister when she found them in bed together. She welcomes the audience to tonight's show ("All That Jazz"). Meanwhile, we hear of chorus girl Roxie Hart's murder of her lover, nightclub regular Fred Casely.
Roxie convinces her husband Amos that the victim was a burglar, and Amos cheerfully takes the blame. Roxie expresses her appreciation of her husband's thick skull ("Funny Honey"). However, when the police mention the deceased's name Amos belatedly puts two and two together. The truth comes out, and Roxie is arrested. She is sent to the women's block in Cook County Jail, inhabited by Velma and other murderesses ("Cell Block Tango"). The block is presided over by the corrupt Matron "Mama" Morton, whose system of mutual aid ("When You're Good to Mama") perfectly suits her clientele. She has helped Velma become the media's top murder-of-the-week and is acting as a booking agent for Velma's big return to vaudeville.
Velma is not happy to see Roxie, who is stealing not only her limelight but also her lawyer, Billy Flynn. Roxie tries to convince Amos to pay for Billy Flynn to be her lawyer ("A Tap Dance"). Eagerly awaited by his all-girl clientele, Billy sings his anthem, complete with a chorus of fan dancers ("All I Care About is Love"). Billy takes Roxie's case and re-arranges her story for consumption by sympathetic tabloid columnist Mary Sunshine ("A Little Bit of Good"). Roxie's press conference turns into a ventriloquist act with Billy dictating a new version of the truth ("We Both Reached for the Gun") to the press while Roxie mouths the words.
Roxie becomes the new toast of Chicago and she proclaims so boastfully while planning for her future career in vaudeville ("Roxie"). As Roxie's fame grows, Velma's notoriety is left in the dust and in an "act of pure desperation", she tries to talk Roxie into recreating the sister act ("I Can't Do It Alone"), but Roxie turns her down, only to find her own headlines replaced by the latest sordid crime of passion. Separately, Roxie and Velma realize there's no one they can count on but themselves ("My Own Best Friend"), and the ever-resourceful Roxie decides that being pregnant in prison would put her back on the front page.
Act 2
Velma again welcomes the audience with the line "Hello, Suckers," another reference to Texas Guinan, who commonly greeted her patrons with the same phrase. She informs the audience of Roxie's continual run of luck ("I Know a Girl") despite Roxie's obvious falsehoods ("Me and My Baby"). A little shy on the arithmetic, Amos proudly claims paternity, and still nobody notices him ("Mr. Cellophane"). Velma tries to show Billy all the tricks she's got planned for her trial ("When Velma Takes The Stand"). With her ego growing, Roxie has a heated argument with Billy, and fires him. She is brought back down to earth when she learns that a fellow inmate has been executed.
The trial date arrives, and Billy calms her, telling her if she makes a show of it, she'll be fine ("Razzle Dazzle"), but when he passes all Velma's ideas on to Roxie, she uses each one, down to the rhinestone shoe buckles, to the dismay of Mama and Velma ("Class"). As promised, Billy gets Roxie her acquittal but, just as the verdict is given, some even more sensational crime pulls the pack of press bloodhounds away, and Roxie's fleeting celebrity life is over. Billy leaves, done with the case. Amos stays with her, glad for his wife, but she then confesses that there isn't really a baby, making Amos finally leave her. Left in the dust, Roxie pulls herself up and extols the joys of life ("Nowadays"). She teams up with Velma in a new act, in which they dance and perform ("Hot Honey Rag") until they are joined by the entire company ("Finale").
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'There's no business like show business'

◗ messages : 18
◗ Inscrit depuis : 19/04/2012

CHICAGO ; the musical Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CHICAGO ; the musical   CHICAGO ; the musical EmptyLun 6 Aoû - 21:09


Dans le milieu des années 1920 à Chicago (Illinois), Velma Kelly est une actrice de Comédie qui a tué son mari et sa soeur après les avoir surpris ensemble dans un lit. Elle accueille l'audience de ce soir ("All that Jazz"). Pendant ce temps, nous entendons parler du meurtre de l'amant de Roxie Hart, Fred Casely, un habitué de la discothèque.
Roxie convainc son mari Amos que la victime était un cambrioleur, et Amos prend joyeusement la responsabilité. Roxie exprime son appréciation de la bêtise de son mari ("Funny Honey"). Cependant, quand la police mentionne le nom du mort, Amos fait le rapprochement. La vérité éclate et Roxie est arrêtée. Elle est envoyée dans la prison pour femme de Cook Countie, habitée par Velma et d'autres meurtrières ("Cell Block Tango"). Le bâtiment est dirigé par la corrompue "Matron « Mama » Morton ", dont le système d'aide mutuelle ("When you're good to Mama") convient parfaitement à la clientèle. Elle a aidé Velma à devenir la meurtrière de la semaine et agit comme l'agent de Velma pour son grand retour dans les Comédies Vaudevillesques.
Velma n'est pas heureuse de voir Roxie, qui lui vole non seulement la vedette, mais aussi son avocat, Billy Flynn. Roxie essaye de convaincre Amos de payer Billy Flynn pour qu'il devienne son avocat ("A Tap Dance"). Attendu impatiemment par sa clientèle féminine, Billy chante son hymne, complétée par un chorus de supporteurs / danseurs ("All I care about is love"). Billy prend en charge le dossier de Roxie et réarrange son histoire pour la sympathique journaliste d'un journal people, Mary Sunshine ("A Little Bit of Good").
La conférence de presse de Roxie devient une numéro ventriloque, avec Billy qui dicte une nouvelle version de la vérité ("We both Reached for the Gun") à la presse alors que Roxie la lui articule silencieusement.
Roxie devient la nouvelle darling de Chicago, et elle se vante sans vergogne en prévoyant sa future carrière en Vaudeville ("Roxie"). Alors que la célébrité de Roxie grandit, Velma est oubliée. Dans un acte de pure désesperation, elle essaye de convaincre Roxie de jouer la scène des soeurs ensemble ("I can't do it alone"), mais Roxie refuse, seulement pour découvrir ses gros titres remplacés par le dernier crime passionnel. Séparément, Roxie et Velma réalisent qu'elles ne peuvent compter sur personne d'autre qu'elles même ("My own Best Friend"), et Roxie, toujours pleine d'idée , décide qu'être enceinte en prison la replacera de nouveau sur les premières pages.

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'There's no business like show business'

◗ messages : 18
◗ Inscrit depuis : 19/04/2012

CHICAGO ; the musical Empty
MessageSujet: Re: CHICAGO ; the musical   CHICAGO ; the musical EmptyLun 6 Aoû - 21:22


Velma accueille de nouveaux les spectateurs avec "Hello, Suckers", une autre référence à Texas Guinan, qui accueillait régulièrement ses patrons avec la même phrase. Elle informe l'audience de la chance perpétuelle de Roxie ("I Know a Girl") en dépit de ses mensonges ("Me and my Baby"). Un petit peu plus timide, Amos revendique la paternité, mais personne ne le remarque ("Mr Cellophane"). Velma essaye de montrer à Billy toutes les ruses qu'elle a prévu pour son procès ("When Velma takes The Stand"). Roxie prend la grosse tête et se dispute avec Billy, qu'elle vire. Elle est confrontée à la réalité quand elle apprend que l'une des ses camarades a été exécutée.
La date du procès arrive, et Billy la calme, lui disant que si elle en fait un spectacle, tout ira bien ("Razzle Dazzle"), mais quand il lui donne les idées de Velma, elle utilise chacun d'entre elles, à la consternation de Mama et Velma ("Class"). Comme promis, Billy la fait acquitter, mais quand le verdict est donné, un crime encore plus sensationnel éloignent les feux des projecteurs et la vie éphémère de célébrité de Roxie est terminée. Billy part, ayant terminé avec le dossier. Amos reste avec elle, heureux pour sa femme, mais quand elle confesse qu'il n'y a pas de bébé, il la quitte. Laissée, dans la poussière, Roxie se lève et prône les joies de la vie ("Nowadays"). Elle s'associe avec Velma dans un nouvel acte, dans lequel elles dansent et chantent ("Hot Honey Rag") jusqu'à être rejointes par la compagnie entière ("Finale").
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CHICAGO ; the musical Empty
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CHICAGO ; the musical

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